fbpx Be Kind to Lawyers Day 2021 | Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy

International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

  • What is International Be Kind to Lawyers Day?

To us, it's a day to celebrate our team of attorneys fighting the good fight and standing up for public interest and the environment in Minnesota's courts.  Our lawyers work super hard every day to be prepared for our legal battles against heavily-funded corporate interests. On Tuesday, April 13th, we celebrate that hard work!

  • What can I do to "be kind" to MCEA's legal team?

There are many ways (and you might even be doing them)! Our lawyers love to hear from our supporters, feel free to drop a staff attorney an email of thanks, or by donating to MCEA, you are directly contributing to our ability to staff some of the best legal minds in Minnesota and have the resources to take on some of Minnesota's most pressing environmental issues.


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In the spirit of Be Kind to Lawyers Day, we interviewed members of our legal team — you might have seen them in court, on the news, or in one of our webinars — but, here's a chance to learn something new (and maybe a little goofy) about the people behind the lawsuits:
Chief Executive Officer

Kathryn Hoffman

Currently Working On: Realizing her vision of making MCEA the Premier non-profit organization to work for and raising the bar for non-profit organizations everywhere.

Favorite Legal Drama: On The Basis of Sex (RBG biopic)

Hobbies: I’m a Maker. I enjoy almost any creative pursuit with textiles, and appreciate anyone who can help me take the craft to the next level. I use some of my vacation every year to travel and learn from expert couture clothing designers and seamstresses. My next project will be making my own shoes!

Pictured: Kathryn proudly displaying her hand-knit RGB sweater

Chief Legal Officer

Kevin Reuther

Currently Working On:  Just about everything!

True Confession: He may or may not have been wearing shorts and flip flops in several of those webinars...

Little Known Fact: He learned to knit during the pandemic and just finished his first socks!

Favorite Quotes: “power concedes nothing without a demand” (Frederick Douglas),  “good luck. And don’t f—- it up” (RuPaul)

Climate Program Director

Ellen Anderson

Currently Working On: Xcel IRP, Next Gen Climate Act, climate/energy legislation, etc. 

Little Known Fact: First woman to wear pants on MN Senate floor

Favorite Legal Drama: Suspect (1987, with Cher)

Hobbies: becoming a pool shark, playing the fiddle badly

Senior Staff Attorney

Joy Anderson

Currently Working On: Barrick Farms appeal, Clean Cars Minnesota rulemaking

True Confession: She racked up 90 fouls during her junior year basketball season, a record she assumes still has not been surpassed at her high school.

Favorite Legal Drama: Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

Little Known Fact: 4H State Champion Rabbit Judger, 1992

Senior Attorney, Mining

Ann Cohen

Currently Working On: Not giving in to MCEA peer pressure on knitting.

Nickname: “Queen of Underground.”

Favorite Quote: “Swinhood hath no remedy.”  (American Poet Sidney Lanier)

Favorite Legal Drama: Trial of the Chicago 7

Hobbies: J'espère maîtriser le français.  Aussi le ping-pong.

Staff Attorney

Jay Eidsness

Currently Working On: East Phillips Campus Expansion, Barrick Farms, and Limbo Creek

Nickname: Dizzle

True Confession: Jay once lost his mountain bike when he dismounted mid-trail to search for mushrooms.

Hobbies: Phenology, woodworking

Legal Fellow

Stephanie Fitzgerald

Currently Working On: Limbo Creek and utility resource planning

True Confession: Stephanie cannot carry a tune. 

Quote: Everything Niles Crane ever said.

Favorite Legal Drama: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Hobbies: vegetarian cooking; making little messes around the house


Northern Minnesota Advocate

JT Haines

Currently Working On: Duluth-y things. Also, the wild and crazy idea that downstream communities belong at the table. 

Nickname: Jonathan Thomas

True Confession: I took the last chilled LaCroix from the fridge. And, I snuck my brother into my law school yearbook.

Favorite Legal Drama: The Wire? Does that count? LA Law? I'm guessing that one doesn't hold up but the theme song was the JAM. 

Little Known Fact: I'm on a film team! #Hockeyland coming soon.

Senior Attorney, Water

Elise Larson

Currently Working On: All things water, but is currently spending a lot of time on Limbo Creek. 

Nickname: Ann calls her "Khaleesi", (Elise, but only Elise, gets to call Ann "Anita")

True Confession: Elise has a mild case of fructaphobia - you can’t get her near a glass of juice or cooked fruit desserts like pie or apple crisp. 

Quote: "I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability." (RBG). 

Favorite Legal Drama: Law and Order SVU. Elise grew up wanting to be Alexandra Cabot. 

Staff Attorney

Melissa Lorentz

Currently Working On: Updating Minnesota’s water quality standards

Nickname: Mel, Marveda (grandmother’s name, of unknown origin)

Hobbies: Dancing when nobody’s watching. Also, nieces are unsuccessfully giving rollerblade lessons. 

Supervising Attorney

Evan Mullholland

Currently Working On: Minnesota Power and PolyMet

True Confession: I’ve only been ice fishing once!

Little Known Fact: I spent a year waiting tables at the Cactus Cantina near Georgetown in DC

Quote: "The new dawn blooms as we free it -- For there is always light, -- if only we're brave enough to see it -- If only we're brave enough to be it" (Amanda Gorman)

Hobbies: Live Jazz, floating Minnehaha Creek

Regulatory Attorney

Amelia Vohs

Currently Working On: Line 3, Incorporating climate analysis into environmental review

Nickname: Meels, Meels on Wheels, Badger (Most people in Indiana don’t even know my real name, they just call me Badger)

True Confession: I’m afraid of birds. The south Minneapolis wild turkey collective terrifies me.  Also, until I was 30 years old, I thought the lyrics to the “Friends” theme song were: “When it hasn’t been your day, we come up and breathe in your ear.”  Turns out, it's “When it hasn’t been your day, your month, your week, or even your year.” 

Little Known Fact: I was a child Norwegian sweater model...for an outlet store.

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