Rooted in Science
We rely resolutely upon science and facts to drive decision making.
Drawing upon a broad and deep network of scientists, subject matter experts, and community members we serve as a trusted source of information on environmental, scientific, legal, and public policy issues.
We are also a watch dog, ensuring that environmental laws are implemented and enforced. We hold corporations, politicians, and agencies accountable for actions that harm Minnesotans, particularly those communities most impacted by environmental injustice.

As a legislator working closely on environmental issues, I often rely on the technical and legal expertise of MCEA. They provide an invaluable service to legislators like myself who are interested in keeping our state's environmental laws strong.
- Retired Minnesota State Senator Chris Eaton

MCEA 2023 Legislative Webinars
WAtch recordings of our webinars from the 2023 legislative session
Hear about what's happening at the Capitol and how you can take action.

Read our legislative booklet
Designed for new legislators and the public. Learn about key aspects of environmental policy in Minnesota.
designed by Magdalena Mora