fbpx Donation information | Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
MCEA's federal tax ID number is 23-7412105

MCEA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

Click here to donate online now

By mail or phone

Mail your contribution to:
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Attn: Development
1919 University Ave. W., Suite 515
Saint Paul, MN  55104
By Phone:
Call 651-287-4870 to process a credit card transaction over the phone.


Gifts of Stock

Appreciated securities are a wonderful way to give! These gifts typically offer benefits not associated with gifts by check, cash or credit card. By transferring stock, you can avoid capital gains tax, yet the charitable deduction will be based on the full fair market value of the shares on the day the gift is made. 

MCEA's DTC code is 0164 and our Charles Schwab brokerage account number is 99071265.


Estate Planning

There is a way you can make a gift to MCEA with zero impact on our cash flow now. Planned gifts, or charitable bequests, will secure the future by funding both advocacy and land, water, and air protection programs to assure MCEA's continued growth. Gifts such as designating MCEA as beneficiary on your life insurance, naming MCEA as a beneficiary of a trust, or other planned giving options are a wonderful way to continue your support. Donors who designate MCEA with a planned gift become members of the White Pine Legacy Circle.

The legal name to be used when making gifts to MCEA through wills, trusts, and other gift transfer documents is:

"Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, a Minnesota not-for-profit corporation, located at 1919 University Ave W., Suite 515, Saint Paul, MN 55104."

Should you also like to include it, MCEA's federal tax ID number is 23-7412105.

MCEA's development staff is available to assist you and your advisor in how best to include MCEA in your plans. Please contact MCEA’s Data Manager, Steph Emerich, at 651-287-4862, or via email.



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If you have any questions about donating to MCEA, please contact our Development Director, Debra deNoyelles